But now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever.
So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever. (A.A.Milne)
As nice as "6" was,
more new experiences and adventures awaited, beginning with "real" school at Rock Crusher Elementary.
Boy, all the activities sure kept a kid busy.
Party Time!!!
Ten Years Old
In Crystal River Middle School, the work started getting seriously harder. Brandy was up to it, though, and still kept up with her church, sports and other activities.
Even took up studying the guitar for awhile............
For her 12th birthday, Brandy received a special present of a trip to Niagara Falls, Canada from her Grandmom and Aunt Pam. It was really awesome, especially when she got so close that she could actually feel the spray of the falls on her face.
Crystal River High School
Seems like only yesterday that Brandy was in first grade and now she is in high school with some really serious decisions to make. What shall she do with her life? brain surgeon? veterinarian? lawyer? accountant? psychologist? firefighter? teacher? police officer? so many choices.....so many paths.....which is the one for her?
High school is not ALL hard decisions, however. There are sports and dances and friends and boy friends and new clothes and new hair-dos and movies and parties and....and......and.....and......sometimes it makes a girl ditsy.
Brandy did well in track, proving that those long legs were good for more than just looking good.
In 10th grade, a venture into a different kind of school at The Academy of Environmental Science. This is a new school for students interested in careers in the natural environment. They get to do hands-on exploring of many environmental issues.
Another school picture - nice smile. Those braces sure paid off big time.
So, Pumpkin, this will be my birthday card to you. I hope you like it and I wish you the most wonderful 16th year anybody ever had.
Lots of love,
from Grandmom